What is an Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)?
An Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a diagnostic X-ray used to detect blockages of your fallopian tubes. It can give some insight to any abnormalities on the inside of your uterus (uterine cavity).
During an HSG, contrast material is administered through a catheter (thin tube). The tube is inserted in the vagina, through the cervix and into the lower aspect of the uterus. The contrast should flow into the uterus and exit through the right and left tubal openings. If the fallopian tubes are normal, the contrast will flow into both tubes and spill into the abdominal/pelvic (peritoneal) cavity.

This is visualized by a very brief X-ray pictures or videos (fluoroscopy) while the contrast is administered. You may be asked to roll to the left or right to help improve the X-ray images and the movement of the contrast. Usually, the actual procedure is over within minutes.
HSG procedures can be performed by radiologists or your ObGyn physician. Most facilities will require you to schedule this test during a precise time of your menstrual cycle. So be sure to understand your preferred location requirements prior to scheduling. Many hospitals will require a urine sample before the procedure in order to do a pregnancy test. Most facilities will allow you to drive yourself, but some require you to have someone with you in case of cramping after the procedure.
Preparation Instructions
Please contact your ObGyn or the Radiology Department at your preferred hospital to schedule an appointment. Some facilities have very strict guidelines regarding the days of your cycle in which this test may be performed. Please discuss this with your nurse before calling to schedule.
We recommend taking 2-4 ibuprofen (400-800mg) 30-60 minutes before the procedure. It is not uncommon to experience some mild to moderate cramping during the procedure. We also recommend a short course of antibiotics around the procedure. This is to decrease the small risk of any infection.
Please take a home pregnancy test the morning of your procedure. If the test is positive, you must cancel your test.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Result
A normal result is when the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity are free from obstructions. If the doctor is unable to clearly see the uterine cavity a saline sonohysterogram (SHG) may be ordered to detect any abnormalities.
A saline sonohysterogram (SHG) may need to be performed to detect abnormalities in the uterus.