Your fertility and family building benefit provider

Kindbody is SpaceX’s fertility and family-building care provider and benefit manager, offering comprehensive in-person and virtual services. Through our signature clinics and a national network of partner clinics, Kindbody ensures you’ll have access to the highest quality family forming and reproductive care.

Activate your benefit

1. Click here

2. Confirm eligibility by entering the access code KINDSPACEX and your unique ID:

• Employees will use their Employee ID
• Spouses will use the same Employee ID + S


3. Book your first appointment

Meet Kindbody


Fertility assessments, egg freezing, IVF, and wellness services.

See All Services


Best-in-class clinicians. Personalized care plans. Superior success rates.

Our Doctors


Conveniently located. Seamless patient portal. Online scheduling and results.

Activate account


Get started with a virtual or in-clinic assessment.

Please activate your Kindbody benefit before scheduling an appointment. Both virtual and in-clinic assessments are covered by your benefit.