Your fertility benefit provider.
Starting January 1, 2021, Berkadia will offer Kindbody as a fertility benefit for you and your family members enrolled in any Berkadia health insurance coverage.
What does your benefit include?
Your Kindbody benefit includes full-service family planning care, including fertility assessments, egg freezing, and IVF and wellness services, as well fertility medication coverage.
How to apply your benefit.
To take advantage, use the code given to you by Berkadia to sign up for your membership at no cost. You can book all of your fertility appointments from there.
Meet Kindbody
Conveniently located. Seamless patient portal. Online scheduling and results.
Coming Soon
Please activate your Kindbody benefit before scheduling an appointment. Both virtual and in-clinic assessments are covered by your benefit.
A consultation with a Fertility Specialist to review your medical history, family planning goals, and create a personalized fertility plan.
Covered by Your Benefit
Coming SoonA full assessment with a Fertility Specialist, including a personalized consultation, vaginal ultrasound and fertility hormone bloodwork.
Covered by Your Benefit
Coming SoonLet’s connect
We’re currently offering virtual consultations with a board certified physician.
Sign up for a consult or just to stay in touch.