LaRhonda Best is an Andrologist hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in biology from Fayetteville State University in Fayetteville, NC. After graduating, LaRhonda worked in an Andrology lab where she gained the bulk of her experience at Duke Fertility Center in Durham, NC. LaRhonda moved to Atlanta, Ga with her husband and 2 beautiful children in search of better opportunities. In May of 2021, LaRhonda will have completed her Masters program where she will obtain her degree in Healthcare administration with a concentration in clinical care. Having several years of IVF experience, LaRhonda is excited to join the Kindbody team.
As a child, my mother’s proudest moments weren’t when I learned to ride my bike or got all my chores done before dinner. Those moments were celebrated, but getting straight […]