© 2022 Kindbody
Fertility 101
Fertility assessments
Fertility testing
Join Dr. Fabiola Balmir during PCOS Awareness Month for a conversation about PCOS- what it is, how to know if you have it, how it can be treated, and its effect on fertility.
with Dr. Fabiola Balmir
PCOS & Fertility
Fertility & Fibroids
with Dr. Lauren Sundheimer
We will dive into the signs and symptoms and treatment options for Fibroids as well as how we can use assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to help those with Fibroids build their families.
Kindbody physicians will fill you in on everything they didn’t teach you in sex-ed, from the best time of the month to try to conceive, ways to optimize your chances at conception, how ovulation predictor kits work and more!
with Dr. Natalia Grob and Dr. Kristen Cain
How to Get Pregnant
Fertility 101
with Dr. Fabiola Balmir
This informative session is designed to help you understand your fertility — whether you're looking to get pregnant today or preserve your fertility for the future.